Amazon Inferno is a Multimedia Installation that brings attention to the need for restoring protections to Indigenous lands under threat from Brazil's current oppressive government leadership. A Recycled TV displays my documentation of speeches and protest by Brazilian Indigenous leaders and activists during their visit to the United Nation's Climate Week in New York, in September of 2019. In "She is the Revolution" Sonia Guajajara, Chris Pankararu, Atemisia Xacriaba and Dinaman Tuxa invite people from around the world to activate in the fight for the Amazon Forest. A seven channel video projection "The day Bolsonaro set the Amazon on fire" over a protograph of discarded TV's displays footage I collected from the news of the deliberate burning of the Rainforest caused by Bolsonaro's acolytes in late August 2019. Another recycled TV displays Romanticism, a video with celebrating the beauty of the forest, displaying footage of one of my visits to the Brazilian Amazon.
The Newsprints and Blinking red light communicates the sense of urgency and the dangers of Bolsonaro's criminal gangs and their inconsequential economic plans.
Amazon Inferno, 2019. She is the Revolution 22-min single channel video with sound on CRT Recycled TV; The day Bolsonaro set the Amazon on fire 8-min multi-channel video projection on 44x63 inkjet print on canvas with acrylic paint; Romanticism 4-min single channel video on CRT Recycled TV; 13x19 Inkjet print on cotton paper; newsprint on plywood; blinking red light.